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毕马威在2018年全球消费者洞察报告《Me, My Life, My Wallet》中发布了调查结果,其中对英国、美国、阿联酋、法国、巴西、加拿大、中国和印度的2.5万名消费者进行了调查,以研究各种消费行为。
The study, published as part of the 2018 Me, My Life, My Wallet report, includes a survey of 25,000 consumers in the UK, US, UAE, France, Brazil, Canada, China and India, assessing consumption behaviors。
China consumers are ahead of global counterparts in terms of adopting new technologies, and eight in ten Chinese consumers indicated having a dynamic social media presence is important among the brands they consistently purchase from, find a KPMG global survey。
It finds that Chinese consumers are ahead of their counterparts in terms of technology adoption。
超过半数 (53%) 受访中国消费者表示对新科技非常感兴趣,每当有新产品推出市场便会率先购买,比例远高于全球平均的29%。
More than half (53 percent) of the surveyed China respondents indicated that they are very interested in new technology and will be the first ones to buy a new device when it comes out, ahead of the 29 percent global average。
受访中国消费者对使用人工智能 (AI)、语音和机器学习等新科技更感兴趣 ——尤其是人工智能助理、在线广告/购物意向预测、音乐推荐和智能家居设备等。
China respondents are more interested in using ‘new tech’ such as AI, voice and machine learning — particularly virtual personal assistants, online shopping ads/purchase prediction, music recommendations and smart home devices。
他们 (59%) 也比全球消费者 (37%) 更习惯只在网上购物;而73%受访中国消费者表示他们宁愿丢失钱包,也不愿丢失智能手机。
They are also more accustomed to only shop online (59 percent) than their global peers (37 percent); 73 percent said they would rather lose their wallet than their phone。
“Today, it is imperative that retail companies think more about digital transformation to create a truly connected enterprise to harness the power of data。” says Wei Lin, Partner, Global Strategy Group, Consumer & Retail Advisory Lead, KPMG China。
The survey highlights that 70 percent of China respondents claimed they like a brand or company frequently using social media to speak to them directly as a consumer;
79 percent indicated that an engaging social media presence is important among the brands they consistently purchase from (global average stands at 55 percent and 48 percent, respectively)。
Also, half of the Chinese consumers said offering deals or discounts through social media will likely to provide a brand with a more positive image。
“Strategic partnerships and alliances are proving to be key drivers as retailers develop more open and collaborative initiatives with suppliers and channel partners as well as platforms,” Lin adds。
此外,91%受访中国消费者指出,他们愿意向企业提供个人数据以换取利益,例如更好的客户体验和个性化定制服务 (37%) 以及更好的产品和服务 (24%)。
Separately, 91 percent of China respondents indicated they are willing to provide business with their data in return for benefits, such as better customer experience and personalization (37 percent) as well as better products and service (24 percent)。
In comparison, a quarter of global respondents said they would not trade their data。
“Data is an incredible resource for any company, but the Chinese internet companies have an enormous amount of it and are very skillful in using data to build compelling services。” says Anson Bailey, Head of Consumer and Retail, ASPAC KPMG China。
在行业方面,调查显示受访中国消费者对科技 (77%)、电力及公用事业 (76%) 和银行业 (74%) 的信任度最高,最低三位则是广告、财富管理和保险。
In terms of sectors, China respondents have the highest level of trust in technologies (77 percent), of power & utility (76 percent) and banking (74 percent), while the bottom three are advertisement, wealth management and insurance, the survey shows。
Bailey concludes: “Companies need to think about how to use data responsibly to build deeper insights and relationships with their customers. However, they must engage their customers in an open and honest dialogue about such use。”